# Process Mails

For those mails related to nominations, the subjects and contents are generated from several templates. Potori uses some queries to fetch mails and some keywords to extract informations.


The following quries and keywords may be outdated, the latest ones used in Potori are available in his repositoryopen in new window with related resourced.

# Fetch Mails

Potori will fetch mails with the following queries:


You can also create rules with these queries to label your mails automatically in Gmail.


Ingress Prime uses localized templates, which makes it difficult to find the corrent filters. We are working on it.

# Extract Informations

The contents of mails will be used to extract information of the nomination:

  • Subject: Title of nomination
  • Body: Image (and ID), location and reject reasons

# Manually Match

For some result mails sent in late 2018, the image links are missing. Potori uses image link to generate a unique ID for each nomination, so you have to match the conformation mail manually. Tap the match button in Dashboard to match if it appears.